We provide integrated, all inclusive advisory and support solutions for the continuous improvement and operational excellence of your organisation
Quality Compliance
Pre-accreditation audits for compliance generating a full risk profiled report.
We assist you with correcting non-compliance issues.
Full reviews of staffing levels, policies & procedures, administration reviews and work flows.
Provide staff training in areas such as Mandatory Reporting incorporating Zero Tolerance, Staff understanding of ACFI claiming, LGBTI &; Aged Care Standards.
All training is conducted within your facility referencing your policy and procedures.
Professional Training and Development
Maintain and expand the skills of your people to build a stronger workforce and reduce your organisational risk.
Maintain currency with industry and practice-changes through our training entity Key2Learning College (RTO 88191).
Workforce Solutions
The provision of skilled and qualified contract staff to augment and expand your workforce.
A resource-ready workforce of quality Assistive Care workers.
Provides flexibility of your workforce size to suit your demand cycles.
All people are accredited, qualified and vetted.
Contact Key 2 Care Health Solutions to see how our team can help you.